Exclusivity Policy
Exclusivity Policy
At Aroma Quartz, we value the partnerships we build with our stockists and are committed to ensuring their success. To support our retailers, we offer a Postcode Protection policy, detailed below:
Postcode Protection
Each stockist is granted 3-mile exclusivity from their retail store location. This means no other retailer will be permitted to sell Aroma Quartz products within a 3-mile radius of your store.
Enhanced Postcode Protection
Stockists with an annual spend of £9,500 or more (before VAT and shipping) can upgrade their exclusivity to an 8-mile radius. This increased protection allows greater market confidence and exclusivity in your area.
This exclusivity policy does not apply to Aroma Quartz's own stores. If your retail location is within a 3-mile radius of an Aroma Quartz store, both you and Aroma Quartz can stock and sell our products.
Maintaining Postcode Protection
To retain your Postcode Protection, stockists must place at least one order with Aroma Quartz during any 60-day cycle. Failure to do so will result in the loss of your exclusivity rights.
If you have any questions about this policy or wish to discuss your exclusivity status, please contact us at wholesale@aroma-quartz.com. We're here to support you!